Picking the business card

How am I going to say this? Picking the business card that suits my style and taste. The top left hand and right hand side design was printed by Vistaprint, while the bottom style was printed by a local printer shop. The card with the handbag picture looks nicer (it’s a premium free print). The card design with the red rose look nice too but not quite my choice (it’s a free print). While the bottom card does not have any pictures on it plus not that cute and is more expensive than the two top cards (not free print at all).

Ok, I think I made my choice. The Top left hand card design is super cute to me. (the one with handbag picture). I am also waiting for a new shipment from Vistaprint. Hope it arrive very soon as I can’t wait to see how my other printed material turn out. Oh yes, I have to blurrrred out my hp number otherwise maybe got lunatic keep calling me at odd hours, who knows?

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