More than just skin deep

Had my dinner with my family at a famous restaurant last Friday. I think it was the delicious fish cook with alcohol/wine? I am not sure what was cook with the fish. At the same night at around very early morning I woke up with rashes and itchy skin all over my body, red like mosquitoes bites with bumps after bumps and its goes on. I had to make a emergency sick leave and an appointment with my doctor first thing. My itchy skin was so unbearable that my mum took a mini bottle of a Johnnie Walker Red Label (Old Scotch Whisky) from the display cabinet (No one ever drinks in my family apparently) and ask me to rub as much I wanted on those red rashes. Got some medicine and needle shot from the doctor after that. My mum told me that she had skin allergy in her childhood days that my grandmother always throw her any kind of alcohol bottle and ask her to rub it on those red rashes. My mum today has little skin allergy to these days. So dont be surprise if you saw me constantly keeping a mini Johnnie Walker wherever I go. I can't drink but the alcohol does help to minimise the itchy feeling. Well, so much for a reunion dinner at a fancy restaurant this chinese new year. I am staying out of fancy cook food and unknown food for the time being until I know what the heck I am allergic with. ;-(

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