The Deepest Sorrow

I dont know about the others but I have reach the deepest sorrow ever in my life sometimes ago. What wakes me up is things happen because there is no accidents at all. I was meant to do the things I dream of all the while. Doesnt matter one bad thing happen because compare to the so many good things happen. I really appreciate it has happen. I am releasing this to the world. I am freeing myself of all the expectation of peoples around me. I will only focus on what I wanted to appear into my life. I am taking charge of my own life because no one will and only me can do this. Every bit of it is me and just me. I cant control people around me but I can turn and shift my focus on the best of people that surround me everyday. Yes, including the people I dont like or hate. I dont think its hard just that maybe there would be a tennis match inside my head for a while until I mastered my LIFE.

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